Thursday, January 20, 2011

Surprise Surprise

I have a great group of friends who organised this surprise bon voyage party for be ever since before new years. Unfortunately, the secret got leaked due to drunken mouths & crazy tears. 
Days...weeks passed and I slowly found out more about this 'surprise' party which I was so shocked and overwhelmed by that people actually cared that much about me. 
Just about everyone knew I walking in wasn't too shocking. Although my knees were weak and I was shaking due to the shock of having so many caring people there for me. It also hit me pretty bad that I was leaving the most important people in my life. It sucks, but I gotta keep saying to myself that its not forever. I'm meant to look on the bright side and look at what the future holds for me, but being alone is too big of an issue for the positives to be the only thing on my mind. I am happy for myself, but I am shaking in my boots. 
Who would I have to run to? Who would I go to when I need to see that happy face and body of comfort? 
I know everyone is one phone call away, or one facebook message away...but I still have tears to shed because I haven't had enough time with my loved ones for me to wave goodbye simply smiling.
May the road rise up to meet you, 
may the wind be ever at your back. 
 May the sun shine warm upon your face
 and the rain fall softly on your fields. 
 And until we meet again, 
may God hold you in the hollow of his hand. 
 ~Irish Blessing

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